We want to remind providers about vital crisis resources available to members of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care commercial, Tufts Health Plan commercial, and Tufts Health Public Plans.
Community Behavioral Health Centers (CBHCs):
Massachusetts members have access to a state-wide network of CBHCs. These centers are part of the Massachusetts Roadmap to Behavioral Health Reform initiative and offer two primary programs: Mobile Crisis Intervention (MCI) and Community Crisis Stabilization (CCS).
Mobile Crisis Intervention (MCI):
MCI provides 24/7 site- and community-based mobile crisis assessment, intervention, and stabilization for both adults and youth. This program ensures that individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis can receive timely and appropriate care in a setting that is most comfortable for them.
Community Crisis Stabilization (CCS):
Through CCS, members are eligible for 24/7, staff-secure crisis care. This service includes safe, short-term, medically necessary treatment in a voluntary, community-based setting. It’s a less restrictive alternative to inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, designed to address immediate crisis needs and stabilize patients.
Authorization and Notification:
It’s important for providers to know that neither MCI nor CCS requires prior authorization. However, for admissions to a CCS within a CBHC, notification must be provided within 72 hours. This can be done through the secure HPHConnect and Tufts Health Plan provider portals, or by contacting your Behavioral Health utilization manager. For billing, providers can refer to the Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder Payment Policy for MCI services (H2011) and CCS services (S9485).
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line (BHHL):
The BHHL, another program under the Roadmap to Behavioral Health Reform, offers around-the-clock assistance. It provides clinical assessment, treatment recommendations, and helps connect individuals to behavioral health providers in their community. The BHHL team can be reached by phone or text at 833-773-BHHL (2445), by chat at masshelpline.com/chat, and via TTY at MassRelay at 711.
At Medical Billing Management, we encourage all providers to inform their patients about these essential behavioral health resources. Fact sheets detailing the CBHC’s MCI, CCS, and BHHL programs are available for download on the Mass.gov website at https://www.mass.gov/info-details/fact-sheets-behavioral-health-roadmap.
Connecting patients to appropriate behavioral health services is a critical aspect of healthcare. As your billing partner, we are here to assist with any related billing inquiries and ensure smooth processing for these vital services.